How to Achieve Deep Backbend Yoga Series
What you'll learn
This program is for those who are looking to increase back flexibility and achieve a beautiful backbend. Multiply your back flexibility and achieve postures such as bow pose with the legs at your head, king pigeon pose, and bhujangasana. Here I provide detailed explanations that will help you to deblock your tight areas and open your muscles to achieve those postures.

What is this Course About
If you would like to get beautiful deep and balanced backbends then this program is for you!
Lose the fears of changing your grip
Have a beautifully balanced extension
Get your legs to your head or close to your head in pigeon, bow, and in royal cobra
Get a nice balanced arch in backbends and arrive to drop backbend
Lose the fear of falling in drop backbend
With this program I will help you to improve:
The flexibility of your upper back
The flexibility of your lower back
The flexibility of your hip flexors
Strengthen your back
Mobilize your shoulders
Hip flexibility and mobility
What is it Included in this Course
The program includes:
Understand better how the backbends function
Prewarm up, sun salutations, sequenced classes, drills for achieving better skills, closing sequences, meditation
Grip flip with king pigeon pose, bow pose and tiger pose, bhujangasana.
Build up and establish a solid and safe home practice
How to use the wall and props to adjust yourself
Bonus tracks: Split class and drop backbend preparation tutorials